Grocery items, delivered

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Food aggregation and distribution

Schools have diverse food needs. Many do not have adequate time, staff or facilities to be able to prepare and serve food. 

We try to provide foods to match where a school is at now and to support a slow integration of nourishing food as part of school culture. Our goal is to provide food that can enhance connection and care at school. 

We focus on providing products that are:

  1. Grown and/or made in BC
  2. GMO free
  3. Low in sugar, sodium and trans fats
  4. Ethically sourced
  5. Low in packaging
  6. Commonly used in schools

Why Grown in BC?

Eating locally reduces food miles and their associated greenhouse gas emissions. Our future depends on eating more food grown close to home. To solve problems like climate change and ecosystem collapse, we need to become more connected to the seasonal rhythms of our local food systems and to learn to eat sustainably. This is why we seek to grow our relationships with local elders, foragers, farmers and fishers. Our mentors teach us that how we eat can be an active part of taking care of our place on this planet.

Why GMO Free?

GMOs are grown in large, industrialized agricultural systems that operate far from ecological balance. GMOs are developed to enable manufactured monocultures wherein one species of plant dominates from horizon to horizon. This kind of agriculture is literally driving the sixth great extinction event on planet Earth.

All of the vegetables in grocery stores are GMO free. Where we see GMO ingredients is in the middle isles, in highly processed foods often full of GMO Soy and Corn. GMOs also sneak into our meat and dairy through corn, soy, alfalfa, canola and other “feed crops.”

Why low in sugar, sodium and trans fats?

These products are pumped into highly processed foods to make them palatable. Growing evidence shows that this makes these foods addictive. This is a problem on par with alcohol addiction in adults, but for children “the level of implied addiction is unprecedented.”

Why Ethically Sourced

In today’s food landscape this is a very challenging concept. Most of the agricultural workers in Canada are terribly underpaid. Much of Canada’s agriculture depends on a temporary migrant worker program that a UN Special Rapporteur recently called “a breeding ground for contemporary forms of slavery.” Unfortunately, globalized agriculture in much of the world is producing even worse conditions for workers. We consider and care about the realities of all those who make our food possible.


Why Low in Packaging

Because we make and create far too much waste as a society! We understand that the convenience of packaged foods makes it possible for schools to feed vulnerable students. This is why we provide granola bars and yogurt cups. But we will only provide these items for eighteen months. After 18 months (ideally sooner) we hope schools will find the capacity to serve food, wash dishes, but most importantly offer students the space to take a breath and eat a nourishing snack.